Hello, and welcome to Bayman Music!

Music is a part of humanity. I help people explore, apply, experience, and pursue mastery of that part of humanity. I hope you will allow me the privilege of helping you.


“Guitar: The Root To Success” has been published! June 18, 2021, physical copies should be available mid-July 2021. For purchase (after that date) click on the link: Books

My Studio formally opened in the summer of 1987.  Since that time I have had the honor and pleasure to teach, guide, instruct, prepare, and coach thousands of Students. 

My Studio has always had one goal: offer the finest in private music instruction. Part of what this means is to always answer any questions, but to help one with the questions they did not know should even be asked.

Music IS organized sound. It’s this qualifier—organization—this is what all the fuss is about. Studying and mastering the principles of organization is a lifetime of study—there is no destination, only the journey. Music IS an incredible combination of math and art. Realized through sonic phenomena. The cognitive benefits really have no end. It IS the ultimate in problem-solving, having the added benefit of bringing beauty into our lives, and the lives of others.


At Bayman Music:

Teaching, in-person and online; Composition, ‘for-hire,’ and instruction; Arranging; Transcriptions; Production; Recording/Engineering/Producing for Artist, VO, Narration; Session work, in Studio and remote; Consulting;

...is offered.